Classroom – Teaching and Learning Through our Teaching and Learning programmes we aim to empower all boys to achieve their potential and become engaged in the global community. Mon, 28 Jun 2021 03:45:47 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 Year 7 – Using Popplet to classify organisms Fri, 25 Jun 2021 07:22:37 +0000


As part of learning in Science, Toby Robinson would generally ask students to complete a handwritten dichotomous key in their Science journals.  However, Toby encouraged the students to use the app Popplet, which was distributed through the use of Classwork, to organise their thinking and classification of organisms.  Exploring new teaching and learning opportunities in the area of Science has allowed for students to show more creativity and personalisation using higher-order thinking tasks.  Using the Classwork and Classroom app, has given Toby the ability to recognise students who have misunderstandings as they complete their work and frees him to have time to check in with specific students.  The ease of submission through the Classwork app also provides timely feedback.

Year 6 – Mathematics Angles Keynote Scaffold Fri, 25 Jun 2021 04:05:58 +0000



As a Middle School Mathematics teacher, Tyson Waterman’s classes have been largely dependent upon the more traditional paper and pencil options to study and consolidate mathematical understandings. However, through the use of a Keynote scaffold, Tyson challenged his students to take mathematical concepts into authentic learning situations by challenging the students to go mobile with their devices to find angles in their environment. The students worked collaboratively to identify different shapes and angles and to audio and photo record and use the Apple Pencil functionality to annotate their images. The task was open-ended enough to allow students to extend their understandings.



Year 5 – Learning and Teaching with Classroom and Classwork Tue, 22 Jun 2021 07:43:20 +0000  


Year 5 students at Scotch College are adept at navigating several systems in Andrew Well’s Year 5 class. The use of Classroom and Classwork have become an integral platform to allow for a multi-faceted approach to learning which incorporates the use of a variety of apps for each specific learning task.  Classwork as a mode of delivery benefits both teacher and student in the ability to allow accessibility options and methods of interaction with speech-to-text, audio, video and app interaction available to be submitted in the space.  Independence and choice in utilising a number of different apps and integrating their use allows for creativity and personalisation of the learning journey. Students are connected via Classwork when suitable to the task and can share their ideas and collaborate through iWork.


