Middle School Residence – Scotch Boarding https://home.scotch.wa.edu.au/scotch-boarding Tue, 07 Mar 2023 05:11:40 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.9.9 Middle School Residence – Mid Term Break Update Term 1, 2023 https://home.scotch.wa.edu.au/scotch-boarding/2023/03/07/middle-school-residence-mid-term-break-update-term-1-2023/ Tue, 07 Mar 2023 05:00:20 +0000 https://home.scotch.wa.edu.au/scotch-boarding/?p=5867 Dear Parents & Guardians,

Wow ….. we made it… to the Mid Term Break.

What a fantastic start to the year it has been … yes, we have had a little bit of ‘home sickness’ and a little bit of ‘covid’, but your boys have dealt with all the changes with so much resilience and humility. The boys have also learnt the House Routines very well and each of their own personalities value add to a vibrant and buzzing Boarding House.

The School work is getting more demanding and the boys have learnt the importance of good organisation, using Prep Time efficiently and realising that “it’s ok to ask for help”. The boys are also in the middle of their respective PSA Sporting seasons and soon they will also be juggling their respective Community Sport commitments as well.

One person I really want to Thank for the great start in the House, is non other than Pam Seaby. Pam has been the consistent support for your boys every morning and every afternoon, her caring nature and her brilliant organisation has helped so much with a smooth transition into each day. Pam, you’re a Legend 😊

I hope your boys have a well-earned break and you get to spend some quality time together. On their return, the ‘Scotch Machine’ continues and it’s back to work, with Camps, Bibbulmun Track, more school, more sport and more of Meech dominating on the Ping Pong table…

I have attached some great photos of your boys … enjoy 😊

Sean Mecham


MS Residence – Week 10, Autumn Term 2022 https://home.scotch.wa.edu.au/scotch-boarding/2022/07/01/ms-residence-week-10-autumn-term-2022/ Fri, 01 Jul 2022 06:16:00 +0000 https://home.scotch.wa.edu.au/scotch-boarding/?p=5007 Hi Y7 Parents,

We are off and hiking … The first Bibbulmun Track walk was a great success, apart from the disappointment of not getting KFC on the way home, but all is good as we got some delicious pies and we will all celebrate at Grill’d, when the remaining boys finish their first hike next term …

The skills, values, and resilience that the Bibbulmun Track offers is crucial to our boy’s development as young men and the mateships they build with each other unites them even more.

After, walking with the current Year 12’s into Albany a couple of weeks ago, it was so good to see how strong these boys were as a group and to see what amazing human beings they had become.

Having had these boys in the Year 9 Boarding House when they were younger, I could relate to how they too faced the challenges of getting used to Scotch College, Boarding, making friends, being homesick and dealing with what all teenagers deal with. So, it was so rewarding to see them in their final year at Scotch, achieving amazing things, including becoming ‘End to Ender’s’ after a 6-year journey.

Setting off from Kalamunda the following week with the Year 7’s was the beginning of that same journey “along with my same old jokes”, but to see your boys giving everything a real crack, toughing it out, looking after each other and having a bit of fun, was priceless … you should be very proud of your boys, they were all fantastic 😊

A massive thanks to Michael Spratt for organising and conducting the ‘Welcome to Country’ and ‘Smoking Ceremony’, the Outdoor Education Department and Rhys Edwards who runs an awesome program. And Congrats to Mia Sullivan who completed her first leg of the Bibbulmun Track and all her work guiding and looking after the boys while we were out there.

Middle School Residence – Week 10, Summer Term 2022 https://home.scotch.wa.edu.au/scotch-boarding/2022/04/12/middle-school-residence-week-10-summer-term-2022/ Tue, 12 Apr 2022 02:51:53 +0000 https://home.scotch.wa.edu.au/scotch-boarding/?p=4639 Hi All,

What a first Term we just had!! and a huge ‘Well Done’ and ‘Thankyou’ to All the Boys, Families and Staff for their patience, resilience and care that they gave all Term 😊 especially, dealing with all the Covid interruptions … I think Everyone has earnt themselves a restful and safe holidays.

  • Year 7s: The boys have done a great job dealing with living away from home for the first time, homesickness, getting used to new Routines in Boarding and the Day School, making friends, having the occasional squabbles, Academic adjustments, joining new sporting teams and generally being a 12 year old boy 😊. We have really appreciated getting to know all the Year 7s and helping them with their transition into Scotch and into Boarding. We have also appreciated the support and partnership from all the Parents and Guardians, thank you very much.
  • Year 8s: The boys have really developed into fine young men this year. Individually, they are finding their directions with Academic, Sporting and Social pursuits and I have seen a real change in Confidence as they are starting to see the results of their hard work and good attitudes. Collectively, this was on display with all their efforts walking on the Bibbulmun Track under challenging circumstances. Their Resilience will also continue to grow being involved with these amazing opportunities and a huge thank you to all the Staff who guided our boys on the Bibby 😊

Farewell to Richard Foster

Is it just a coincidence, that Daniel Craig just made his last Bond film and Richard Foster has just left Boarding? I don’t think so …

Sadly, we say goodbye to a very professional, reliable and caring Boarding Staff member, who has served the Boarding House for more than 10 years, but luckily Richard is still at Scotch College as the Director of Co-curricular and one of my best mates for life. Richard, we as a Boarding Community sincerely Thank you for all you have done in Boarding and the care you have given so many boys over so many years, we are all going to miss you mate.

Below, shows Richard or Daniel? Holding the ‘House Singing’ Trophy back in 2015, when his leadership as ‘Head Vocals Coach’ helped secure the win for ‘Mighty Keys House’

Finally, I hope everyone has a Safe and Restful break, enjoy and see you all next term 😊

Kind Regards

Sean Mecham

