Drew Templar – Scotch Boarding https://home.scotch.wa.edu.au/scotch-boarding Fri, 13 Mar 2020 05:10:02 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.9.9 Kim Whetters Farewell https://home.scotch.wa.edu.au/scotch-boarding/2020/03/13/kim-whetters-farewell/ Fri, 13 Mar 2020 05:10:02 +0000 https://home.scotch.wa.edu.au/scotch-boarding/?p=2810 After 5 years of wonderful service to the Scotch College residential program Kim Whetters has decided to retire. Kim’s dedication to the Boys and their families will be very sorely missed. Her nature and interactions with the boys on a daily basis is of genuine care and has gone above and beyond her role as a house mother to care for the students.

Kim has guided families and students through their entry into Scotch College Boarding for over 5 years now and there are very few boarding families that haven’t been touch by her very generous and caring nature. In my short time working with Kim I have been blown away with her work ethic and commitment to the boys and their families.

On Thursday this week, we farewelled Kim with an afternoon tea in the year 6/7/8 boarding house. The boys showed a wonderful appreciation of her time at the college and we all shared in cake and refreshment. Kim was given some gifts and a beautiful card with hand written notes from the students.

We wish Kim all the best for her retirement and look forward to hearing stories of her adventure out on the Boat. Kim will always be welcome around our boarding house and we look forward to perhaps the occasional visit to catch up!

Please find below a letter from Kim Whetters:

LETTER TO PARENTS                                                                               11th March 2020

Dear Parents,

As my time here at Scotch College draws to an end, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the faith and trust you have placed in me to care for your sons whilst in boarding.

My role as House Mother of the 6/7/8 House for the past five years has meant the world to me and as such has made my decision to retire a difficult one.

Helping our boys and parents transition into boarding life has many challenges but it is always rewarding. I am grateful to have shared in a small part of both your son’s and your own journey here at Scotch. Your support and understanding in the past and in recent times has been most appreciated and the many kind and gracious comments I have received since the announcement of my retirement have been thoroughly heartwarming.

I will miss the boy’s unique personalities and the positive contribution each of them brings to my daily life. I couldn’t be more proud of them and of their development and achievements during their time in the house.

I leave you and your sons in the very capable hands of Drew Templar and the Residential Life team and I wish them and my successor the very best for the remainder of this year and beyond.

Finally, I wish you and your sons happiness and success in the years ahead and I do hope that we might cross paths again at some time in the future.


Yours Sincerely,

Kim Whetters


Year 6/7/8 House – Week 2 https://home.scotch.wa.edu.au/scotch-boarding/2020/02/07/year-6-7-8-house-week-2/ Fri, 07 Feb 2020 02:11:32 +0000 https://home.scotch.wa.edu.au/scotch-boarding/?p=2610 Hi All

Another huge week in the Year 6/7/8 residential house. Students started the week at Adventure world and had an amazing time. The warm weather was perfect for the water slides and lots of swims.

The boys also had the Middle School Swimming Carnival this week. The conditions were extremely hot and being sun smart and staying hydrated were the key to success. Boys competed well for their houses and joined in with some great house spirit with chants ringing across the pool all day.

Attached are some of the photos from both days out. Mr Faint from Middle School also took a lot of photos of the carnival and I will share the Link once he has uploaded these.












2020 First week of Boarding – Year 6/7/8 House https://home.scotch.wa.edu.au/scotch-boarding/2020/01/31/2020-first-week-of-boarding-year-6-7-8-house/ Fri, 31 Jan 2020 04:31:55 +0000 https://home.scotch.wa.edu.au/scotch-boarding/?p=2555 Wow!!! What a huge first week it has been in Boarding. Students have been learning a lot about living away from home, with the lessons on ironing clothes from Mrs Whetters being a very well attended session.

Students are navigating their way through school timetables, boarding house routines and sport commitments, all the while trying to make new friends, meet new people and choose which foods to eat at meal times.

I would like to thank all the staff for their support of the Boarding boys both academic staff at School and Residential staff in the boarding house. The staff have kept an eye on the boys as they settle into Boarding life for the year.

This weekend we will be heading to Adventure world on Sunday at 9.15am for the day. This will be a great way to meet new friends and forge relationships for the year.




