Alec O’Connell – COVID-19 Information Information regarding Scotch College’s Covid-19 policies Wed, 09 Mar 2022 13:10:05 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 Alec O’Connell – COVID-19 Information 32 32 9 March Headmaster Parent Update 9 Wed, 09 Mar 2022 13:02:27 +0000 Dear Parents

I am writing following today’s update from the Government regarding the status of teachers having been changed to critical workers and the rules around close contacts attending school.

Effective from 12.01am Thursday 10 March, the following guidelines apply based on the status moving to high caseloads.

Day Students
Students in school or early childcare who are asymptomatic but have been identified as a close contact will be able to do the following provided they remain asymptomatic.

1.  Attend school, before school care and after school care
2.  Travel between the student’s usual place of residence and their school
3.  Attend school-based sporting, cultural training or after school events at the students’ school.

Please note the following:
The above guidelines do not apply to students who are a household close contact; in this case, students will need to self-isolate for seven days and follow the regular close contact protocols.

If there is a person residing in your household (student or family member) who is COVID positive, you need to let the College know immediately so that the student in that household can be identified as being in quarantine with an approved return date registered by the College. Failure to notify the College would put the family in breach of WA Health.

Boarding Students
Any students who have been identified as close contacts and isolating at their Perth guardian’s home can attend school as a day student but not return to boarding, which includes not entering any of the boarding facilities or the dining room.  If any student is isolating at their home in the country, they must remain until further notified by myself.

The reason for this is because a series of questions have been forwarded to the Chief Health Officer specifically about boarding. We will notify you immediately as soon as we have clarity about close contact boarding students and their return to school.

The government has reclassified teachers as critical workers, as such, as close contacts they can return to work if they are asymptomatic. If a staff member is COVID positive, they must see out the required COVID period.

Notwithstanding the above, the current wearing of masks guidelines continues to apply from Year 3-12, including the rules now in place in boarding. Obviously, families have the option of sending their other children to school with a mask, but only Year 3 upwards will be compulsory.

Parents on campus
We ask parents to limit any on-site visits as much as possible. We understand that some drop off and pick up arrangements are required, but please limit these to what is absolutely necessary.

Once again, thank you for your understanding and support with these COVID guidelines. I can say with confidence that the College has been really impressed with the support and openness from parents throughout this period, and we will continue to navigate any changes as smoothly as possible.

Our goal remains to provide the boys with the least interrupted education as possible within the guidelines in which we must work.

Dr A J O’Connell

3 March Headmaster Parent Update 8 Thu, 03 Mar 2022 23:42:38 +0000 Dear Scotch community,

The following is an update regarding the current COVID situation.

Contract Tracing and Reporting
Over the last week, WA Independent Schools received updated guidelines and processes for the management of COVID. Schools have been informed that they are now to assume the role from the Health Department in identifying the infectious period for a positive case prior to undertaking close contact determination and the notification of families as to when the student may return to school. The school will make direct contact with families when and if required. Our communication is based on ensuring that the safety and wellbeing of the students, staff and the community are prioritised.

Reporting COVID Positive Results
Families are required to email if their child is a confirmed positive COVID case. A student will be considered a positive case if they have returned a positive PCR test or if they are a confirmed close contact and have returned a positive RAT.

Determining Close Contacts at school
•   A person who spends more than two hours in a classroom where masks are not worn by both the person who tests positive and the other people in the classroom.

•   A person who spends more than 15 minutes face to face with someone COVID positive where masks were not worn by both the exposed person and the person with COVID. Therefore, if one person is wearing a mask during the 15 minutes spent together, they are not considered a close contact. This applies inside and outside.

Please reinforce with your son that at recess and lunch, they only remove their masks for eating and drinking to reduce the likelihood that they may be identified as a close contact if a COVID positive student is in their immediate group of friends.

Reporting as a close contact in isolation
If your child is isolating as a close contact, please email your relevant sub-school at the following addresses:

Junior School:
Middle School:
Senior School:

Thank you for your ongoing support and understanding as we navigate COVID together.

Kind regards
Dr A J O’Connell

1 March Headmaster Parent Update 7 Mon, 28 Feb 2022 23:54:08 +0000 Dear Year 3-6 parents,

As you are no doubt now aware, with the advent of phase two restrictions effective from Thursday 3 March, masks are now mandated for students from Year 3 and upward. Fortunately, our Year 6 students have been wearing masks since the recommencement of school due to sharing the same classroom block as Years 7-8 as part of the middle school structure. However, for our Years 3, 4 and 5s the wearing of masks will be a whole new experience.

The Association of Independent Schools of WA (AISWA), via the government, has allocated our College an initial supply of masks.  These will be collected by our Junior School today and given to the boys in Years 3-5 as they enter their classrooms on Thursday morning.  Ongoing mask provision is the responsibility of each family. The College will continue to maintain an emergency supply at the Junior School reception in the case of a student forgetting to bring his mask. I urge all parents to ensure that masks are a priority when getting ready to come to school each day.

While wearing masks will bring some challenges, I know that our staff will ensure that this transition is handled as smoothly as possible. To support this change, may I suggest that as a family you discuss the wearing of masks with your son, and if possible, have him trial the wearing of a mask at home before the compulsory date arrives.

Please remember that this directive comes from the Chief Health Officer of WA and is a part of the government’s ongoing COVID strategy. As with all matters pertaining to COVID, the College will endeavour to ensure that all boys are kept safe and are assisted with the implementation of this new directive.

If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Junior School.

Kind regards
Dr A J O’Connell
